For the love of SCIENCE... GET OUT THERE!

“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”

-Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson


The March for Science is coming up this Saturday: April 22, Earth Day. Science teachers will be joining scientists and non-scientists proclaiming that science matters. There are no “alternative facts” in science. As Jane Lubchenko, former head of NOAA in an essay urged scientists: “Stand up for science by demonstrating its value and our relevance. Science needs to be trusted and valued, not seen as imperious, threatening, wasteful, or doom-and-gloom…. Make science accessible. Speak in plain language, stripped of jargon. Show your warm, caring, human side. Engage citizens in doing science that produces useful knowledge and solutions.”

Shape of Life will be marching in Washington D.C. and locally where we live. Find your place in science.