Kids on shore with grid



Of all the accomplished scientists we've interviewed over the years, there's always one thing they have in common: a teacher who encouraged their curiosity in the natural world.

Lesson Plan Material

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    tree of life vimeo
    Lesson Plan
    Animating the Tree of Life

    Students will explore an animated "Tree of Life." They will record observations and questions about it and discuss them as a class. Create your own cartoon!

    Full Lesson Plan

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    Top of the Tree of Life with Species
    Cambrian Explosion

    The Cambrian Explosion was a burst of animal evolution that occurred in the ocean about 540 million years ago.

    Download Factsheet

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    Earth from space
    Cambrian Explosion: A BIG BANG in the Evolution of Animals

    For most of Earth's early history, there simply was no fossil record. Only recently have we come to discover otherwise: Life is virtually as old as the planet itself, and even the most ancient sedimentary rocks have yielded fossilized remains of primitive forms of life.

    Download Reading