Orange jellyfish swimming


Marine Arthropods

Associated Shape of Life Content

Marine Arthropods: A Successful Design Questions

There are three separate lessons here based upon questions.

  • A list of questions about the characteristics of marine arthropods to use after viewing the video Marine Arthropods: A Successful Design.
  • A Shape of Life Marine Arthropods: A Successful Design worksheet. Students make sketches and write short answers to questions about the amazing world of marine arthropods. This was created by Rachel Miller from Science from Scratch.
  • A Powerpoint with questions to use while watching the video Marine Arthropods: A Successful Design.

Our Oceans: The Frontier for Curious Minds

By Nancy Burnett, Founder, Shape of Life

I just went to a wonderful workshop about plankton. We may as well fess up to the fact that there’s a whole world out there in the ocean that we haven't told you about, yet. Most marine animals that we know and love started out in life looking very different from what they look like as adults.

At the beginning of life, they hatch out of eggs that float in the water or are attached to the bottom of the ocean. The tiny larvae feed, grow and change form in the ocean as part of the zooplankton. These fragile, otherworldly creatures swim or drift in the currents for months at a time before settling to the bottom to change into adults.

Climate Change is Robbing Us of Tasty Food and Quality of Life

Let’s Fight for Our Planet!

Our last blog by Jane Silberstein revealed the beauty of the coral reefs of Fiji (I wish I had been on that trip!) and how climate change affects those extraordinary reefs.

Jane shared how changing ocean chemistry – ocean acidification – makes it more difficult for corals to build their reefs because they can’t absorb the necessary calcium carbonate. It’s our actions over the last 200 years that have changed the ocean: we have released about two trillion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And about a quarter of that has been absorbed by the oceans.

Read more about how you can help slow ocean acidification…